About Oilfields Food Bank
Our Mission StatementOilfields Food Bank, along with Food Banks Alberta & Food Banks Canada believes that everyone has the right, at all times, to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and preferences.
Our History
We have always been located within the United Church in the Valley. The space we occupy downstairs was a purpose-built space designed for our use when today’s church was built back in 1990.
We are a registered charity and provide tax receipts to donors. We receive amazing support from our local communities and donations from the Firemen’s Annual Food Drive, various fundraisers and from both individuals and businesses.
Originally registered as Turner Valley & District Food Bank Association, today we are better known as the Oilfields Food Bank and have always been 100% volunteer-based. Our volunteers are precious to us and without them we would not be able to feed those in need. When you access food at the Oilfields Food Bank you are truly being ‘hugged’ by the entire community.
We are governed by a Board of Directors.
Corporate Business #: 5010579174
Charitable #: 874490501RR0001

Sharon Herriman and Ida Wegelin
Turner Valley & District Food Bank Association began operation in 1983 under the guidance of the Okotoks Food Bank.
Ida Wegelin (our founding member) was the catalyst for establishing help for the hungry. Ida passed away on January 11, 2020. We wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for her extreme dedication to those around her.
Sharon Herriman rarely missed a Tuesday at the Food Bank. She was a dedicated volunteer for more than 20 years. Her gentle manner & kind nature put everyone at ease. Sharon passed away on May 8, 2020. We are grateful she chose our Food Bank as the place to give back to her community.
Our condolences to both their families & many friends.
Board of Directors
President: Glenn Chambers
Vice-President: Karen Milne
Secretary: Audrey Ferber
Treasurer: Carol Williams
Director: Lisa Hill
Director: Dar Zdebiak
Purchasers: Sherri Maess
Volunteer Coordinator: Sherry Reynolds

Glenn Chambers - OFB President
Honorary Members
Ida Wegelin
Betty Foran
Bev Easton
Sharon Herriman
Jean Hardy
Wendy Williams
Elizabeth Campbell
Join Us – Be An OFB Member
Already involved & volunteering? Thinking about getting involved?
Members have a vote & can help guide our direction for the upcoming year.
Any person who resides in Alberta and is 18 years or older, may become a member by paying an annual fee of $5.00 due in January of each year.
You can complete your membership request online and pay by eTransfer. Click here.